Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Im going to the center of the earth.

Once in a town called Mississippi there was a boy and that boy is called Jack. On a nice summer day Jack told his mom he's going out to play with his friends. "All right but be back for dinner" yelled his mom. So when Jack got out side he saw a huge massive hole we went to go get his friends.Jake Jake Jake come here come to my house " OK OK I'm coming"Jake said So the two boys ran to Jack house.What did you want? Jake said look it's a hole as big as a truck.So... Lets go in it!! why Jake said come on to see what down there!! Well um... OK! Jake said Lets Go!

Down the two boys went. Were almost there only 5 more steps said jack. Were there! I'm going to go explore are you coming? Yea i guess. said Jake. The boys were walking on a side of a hill then out of know where kaboom they hear a loud sound. What was that Jack asked . I don't know but I think that thing in front of us is what made that big sound! Roooooooooaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr! It's a lion!!! Run to the end of the road! The lion is chasing us hurry come on. Let's hide in the cave at the end of the road! Next thing i know im in the cave.

We ran through the cave and out we going again the lion was coming after us. Where do we go? Jack said I don't know Jake said. Jake let's go to the hole where we came from. OK Jack said . So the two boys went to the hole and climbed in the hole.

The boys got up to the Earth's surface and cops were ever where. I have to go home Jake said. My mom was worried i when into the house.Hey mom are you OK? Jack your a live! Jack's mom said. um......yea im a live. why? I thought you died. No Jack said.

Now Jack,Jake are home and safe. The End